An Audience With Spirit Guide CHEN
Online Zoom Event
Audience With Andy’s Spirit Guide
Centre Healing”
Cost: £25
This unique event will provide the opportunity for you to join an online Zoom event where Andy will “trance” channel his Spirit Guide “Chen” over Zoom online.
“HEART Centre Healing For ALL”
“Chen” and his team also plan to continue the remote “HEART” healing for all participants in the Zoom event in the same way they experimented with during the previous Zoom event in November 2023.
The previous event is now available on the Divn8 website if you would like to experience this before you attend this updated event.
All participants in this Zoom event who want to receive “HEART” healing will do so.
“Chen” working with his inter-dimensional team of entities will connect with each participant and perform healing remotely.
This event will continue on from the previous “EN-MASS Remote HEART Healing” that “Chen” performed with his team in November 2023, this was a “first” for Chen and his team and very successful.
During the event “Chen” will answer questions related to spirituality, healing, SRT and global events, emailed in prior to the event.
Chen will also cover many different and interesting topics talking about the work he performs with Andy, why spiritual clearings are so important not just to people but also the planets evolution.
Chen will discuss SRT (spirit release therapy), negative entities and how he removes them, the requirement for psychic protection when meditating, how to connect with your own spirit guide, and much much more.
February 24th
18:00pm – 20:30pm
(United Kingdom, London Time)
Check Booking Availability Below

Lara Starr From Higher-Source-Content
Will Compere This Event.