Psychic Protection

Psychic Surgeon, Spiritual Help, Curses, Black Magic, Entities, Hearing Voices, Demons, Witchcraft, Alien Implants, Parasites, Working With Spirit Guide Chen


Psychic Protection is invoked by strengthening your auric field

Psychic protection is invoked by strengthening your aura and other energy bodies to defend against any negative influences, in the main this protection is great and you have no problems but certain things seem to weaken his protection such as substance abuse, occult practices and physical disease.

Attempts to ward off the curse of the evil eye has resulted in a number of talismans in many cultures. As a class, they are called “apotropaic” (Greek for “prophylactic” or “protective”, literally: “turns away”) talismans, meaning that they turn away or turn back harm.

The etheric body is essentially a complete mirror copy of the physical body vibrating at a higher frequency.

This vibration provides each of us with our Spiritual Protection from other energies that exist on this planet


The etheric body is shown in blue on the image above.

This energetic vibration provides spiritual protection for the spiritual essence or “soul” that all humans have as part of our multi dimensional makeup.

The etheric body is a complete mirror of our physical body. If the etheric body becomes perforated in any way then our level of Spiritual Protection is reduced and we can be attacked by negative energies.

Maintaining a high level of etheric protection is essential to maintain good mental health.


Symptoms Of Etheric Perforation

It the etheric body becomes perforated then other energies both positive and negative that exist on this planet and dimension can effectively “See” we have reduced Spiritual Protection.

At this point negative entities can connect or attach themselves to our energy and can then start to interact with our thoughts. They can create a variety of mental and physical problems listed below:

Intrusive Negative Thoughts.
Hearing Voices (Schizophrenia).
Bad Dreams.
Self Harm Encouragement.
Changes in behaviour.
Change of habits.
Drug taking, alcohol abuse.
Unexplained fatigue.
Sudden chronic illnesses.
Pains in different places that have no physical explanation.
Social Withdraw.
Tourette’s Syndrome.
Personality Changes.
Physical symptoms, pains that are un-diagnosed by a doctor.

What Causes Etheric Perforation

The etheric body provides us with the perfect level of Spiritual Protection from birth. It is inherently designed to protect us from all aspects of Spiritual Attack including Demons, Jinn, Voodoo, Witchcraft, Curses, and Negative Entities.
Many things can reduce our level of Spiritual Protection however the worst offenders are drugs, this includes both recreational and medical drugs.

Drugs affect the blood and normally create an altered state of mental reality and perception causing the spiritual essence to vibrate at a different frequency and slightly detach from the physical body.
As the spiritual essence leaves the physical body the person enters a different state of consciousness and then in many cases can “See” into other entities in other dimensions.

This is why hallucinatory drugs are very dangerous as using them means a person can then connect with other entities, usually negative and enter into dialogue and conversations.

At this point many people make agreements with negative entities, demons, Jinn etc and then find their lives start to go down hill very fast. Once you have made an agreement with a negative entity you have relinquished your freewill and allowed these negative entities into you life. Many people now start to experience intrusive thoughts, anxiety, depression and bad dreams.

Ouija boards are also very dangerous tools that can be used to contact other Spiritual Entities. Many clients describe their lives being ruined after using them.

The etheric body provides us with the perfect level of Spiritual Protection from birth. It is inherently designed to protect us from all aspects of Spiritual Attack including Demons, Jinn, Voodoo, Witchcraft, Curses, and Negative Entities.
Many things can reduce our level of Spiritual Protection however the worst offenders are drugs, this includes both recreational and medical drugs.

Drugs affect the blood and normally create an altered state of mental reality and perception causing the spiritual essence to vibrate at a different frequency and slightly detach from the physical body.
As the spiritual essence leaves the physical body the person enters a different state of consciousness and then in many cases can “See” into other entities in other dimensions.

This is why hallucinatory drugs are very dangerous as using them means a person can then connect with other entities, usually negative and enter into dialogue and conversations.
At this point many people make agreements with negative entities, demons, Jinn etc and then find their lives start to go down hill very fast. Once you have made an agreement with a negative entity you have relinquished your freewill and allowed these negative entities into you life. Many people now start to experience intrusive thoughts, anxiety, depression and bad dreams.

Ouija boards are also very dangerous tools that can be used to contact other Spiritual Entities. Many clients describe their lives being ruined after using them.


Techniques for Etheric Protection

There are a number of things you can do to maintain your own Spiritual Protection by keeping your etheric body in its optimum state.

Once of the most important tasks for keeping your Spiritual Protection at it’s optimal state is to eat healthy food, preferably organic vegetables.
Meat of any type has a very low vibration since animals that are slaughtered will be in a state of fear, and therefore their blood will be full of adrenaline.
It goes without saying that their whole body will have a very negative vibration and when ingested by humans this low vibration is then taken on by us as we process the meat. This then affects our etheric field and reduces our own Spiritual protection.
If we look at the various religions on the planet many are vegetarian for this very reason no doubt.

Strengthen Etheric Performation

No Drugs.
Minimise Alcohol.
Minimise Tobacco.
Eat healthy organic foods, mainly vegetables.
Minimise meat consumption, (meat has a low vibration due to fear during slaughter and adrenaline in the blood).
Live in a clean and healthy environment, lots of plants help to purify the air.
Shower or bathe daily using SEA SALT (sea salt helps with your etheric protection).
Join a local meditation group, (meditation helps to clear your auric field).

join Groups and Control Your Mind

Learn Psychic Protection techniques, ( lots of books detail how to learn this).
Learn to connect to your own spirit guide, (we all have one, they will help you!).
Distance yourself from negative people, (family and friends that love drama!).
Start to control your thoughts, try to only think positive thoughts!
Follow “The Secret” the techniques employed are very good for your mental state.
Learn about Feng Shui and employ some of the techniques.
Wear protective symbols especially the pentagram.
Wear protective amulets such as black onyz crystals.
Regularly smudge your house with Sage, clears negative energy.

Do I have an attachment?

Many people contact us to ask how can they confirm if they have some sort of attachment problem and so we have come up with the Attachment Test below.
This is series of questions that are always true in the case of an attachment, not all need to be true but at least 5-8 will apply in the case of attachment.
In saying that most people’s intuition will be shouting at them if they have an attachment and so will just know they do.
If you answer yes to between 5-8 of these questions then you most probably have an attachment, if you need further clarification please contact us and we will check with our guides for you, at this point you can then try some of the removal techniques below or book and appointment.

Step 1

Sit quietly and ask these questions to yourself:-


1) Do you have thoughts that seem to come into your head but done feel as though they are your own?

2) Do you think very negative thoughts involving harm to yourself or others?

3) Do you continually judge other people you come into contact with?

4) Do you have pains or odd feelings that seem to either move around your body or are confined to one area but have no physical problems that could be the cause of these feelings?

5) Do you have problems sleeping and find you wake up around 3am?

6) Does you life seem an uphill struggle whereby everything you try end up with a negative outcome?

7) Do you hear voices?

8) Do you see dark shadows out of the corner of your eye but when you turn to look directly at the shadow it disappears?

9) Do you feel some form of uneasy feeling around you at times?

10) Do you feel fear for no reason?

Self Help Techniques

If you feel you have entity or spirit problems with yourself or somebody else try the steps below:-

1) Contact a psychic and ask them to check for entity attachment.

2) Take the “Bach flower remedy Holly” as this we have found to be very good at removing negative energy from the etheric field. When describing this Bach Flower Essence, Edward Bach said: “Holly protects us from everything that is not Universal Love. Holly opens the heart and unites us with Divine Love.”

3) Sea salt and water has been used for centuries to help provide protection, holy water is a good example of this.

4) Take a mouthful of good tequila when required, as we have found to be very good at removing negative energy from the etheric field.

5) Drink plenty of water, water contains light and will detoxify your body helping to increase your vibration, in addition the herbal remedy ivy can be added as this is a highly protective herb to the human body and can be obtained easily.

6) Incense sticks burning will also help to detach a corded spirit / entity, as they contain powerful herbs.

7) Sit in meditation and ask your spirit guides to help.

8) Use affirmations on a regular basis, there are many that can be helpful .

9) If you taking part in recreational drug or alcohol abuse stop, this is a negative addiction and will encourage negative energy so try to stop.

10) Purchase some natural sea salt, sprinkle around all doorways in your property and around your bed not forgetting the front and back door, this stop entities from crossing into your home.

11) Fill a bathtub with water and add one medium handful of all-natural sea salt (Available at health food stores, department stores, etc.). Take a normal bath, making sure that you dunk fully at least once. This will remove entity contaminants from your aura and other energetic fields.

12) Crystals are also very useful, black oynz and black tourmaline are renowned to help with negative energy, either carry them around in your pocket or in a handbag or use them as an amulet and wear it around your neck, again your intent is the most important thing, if your intent is such that the crystals you have help provide you with protection then they will.

13) Wearing protective amulets has been used since the middle ages as a method of spiritual protection and many new age shops sell amulets, the pentagram is a common choice. Potential amulets include gems, especially engraved gems, statues,coins,drawings,pendants,rings,plants even words said in certain occasions—for example: vade retro satana—(Latin, “go back, satan”), to repel evil or bad luck.

Psychic Protection Exercises

We all have unseen guides and helpers that are with us from the moment we incarnate into this physical world until we take our last breath and then depart.
Even if you have never seen or communicated with your guides, it does not mean they are not with you at all times, working with you to ensure you experience the life that you have chosen before this incarnation.
They are more than happy to help you with any questions you may have, or provide guidance relating to life choices and circumstances you find yourself experiencing.
The same goes for your own psychic protection. Since you incarnate into this planet with freewill, then your guides and helpers cannot help you or interact in your life in anyway unless you give your permission for them to do so.
This permission must be provided in the form of you giving your consent to allow them to work with you and help you.

Golden Bubble

Perhaps the most common exercise that can be incorporated into your daily life is the bubble or ball.
Close your eyes and visualize a golden bubble of light around your entire being, see yourself enveloped within this bubble and make sure the bubble extends over your head and over your feet with a gap between your body and the other skin of the bubble. Many people visualize themselves held within a ball of golden light that provides complete protection for your whole body.

Purple Flame

Another good exercise is to visualize yourself standing within a bright purple flame that will burn away any negative energy that exists within your etheric field. This can be done if you have experienced a business meeting with someone you don’t feel very comfortable with or after you have performed any Spiritual practice or esoteric magic. It ensures whether you have picked up any negative energy from other people or places and is burnt away and removed from your astral body. This can also be used on a daily basis.

Golden Shower

Another method that works very well is to visualize yourself standing underneath a golden shower of light. See the light running over your entire body and then running into the planet allowing mother earth to cleanse any negative energy running off of you. Then, allow the light to run down into your body and cleanse the inside of your body, again allowing the light to run out of your feet and back into the earth. This helps to clear and cleanse your etheric field and can also be used on a daily basis to help keep your psychic protection fully active.