Psychic Surgeon Andy Porter & “CHEN”

Andy Porter Psychic Surgeon has been working as a psychic surgeon with his spirit guide “CHEN” and his wife Jayne since 2004 and is an IPHM certified trainer and practitioner.
Andy works across the spiritual arena performing modern etheric “Psychic Surgery” and SRT (Spirit Release Therapy) using the technique he co-developed with the eminent Dr Terence Palmer PhD over a 10 year period.
Andy met and worked with the eminent Dr Terence Palmer PhD (RIP) in 2011 until he sadly passed in 2021. Together Andy, Terence and “CHEN” co-developed their own version of the Remote Spirit Release (RSR) protocol which they now teach holistic practitioners under the banner of “RSR – Remote Spirit Release Therapy”.
Spirit Release Academy (SRA)
This protocol is used and taught today via the (SRA) Spirit Release Academy. This protocol evolved during the 1000 live client cases Dr Palmer PhD, Andy and “CHEN” worked on together over a 10 year period.
Andy co-founded the (SRA) Spirit Release Academy with his good friend and co-founder Jonno Webster also a psychic surgeon and together they teach the SRT (Spirit Release Therapy) protocol to students located around the world.
Spiritual Meditation & Protection Courses
Andy also teaches meditation, spiritual protection courses, workshops, events, podcasts, talks and demonstrations working with clients from all over the world.
The Spiritual Wisdom of “CHEN”
Much of Andy’s success as a psychic surgeon comes from his collaboration with his spirit guide, CHEN.
CHEN brings a higher level of insight and clarity, ensuring that each session is not only personalized but divinely guided. This spiritual wisdom allows Andy to work as a psychic surgeon beyond the limitations of the physical world, offering a level of healing that can transcend time and space.
A Trusted Name in Modern Psychic Surgery & Energy Healing
With years of experience and a growing number of clients worldwide, Andy Porter has earned a reputation for being a compassionate and powerful healer. His modern approach to psychic surgery, combined with CHEN’s timeless guidance, has helped countless people rediscover their energy, health, and spiritual alignment.