Spirit Guide Chen

Psychic Surgeon, Spiritual Help, Curses, Black Magic, Entities, Hearing Voices, Demons, Witchcraft, Alien Implants, Parasites, Working With Spirit Guide Chen

Spirit Guide Chen

Many people have been treated by my spirit guide “Chen” or heard him talk via trance over the past 15 years.

Most would love to have seen an image of this amazing healer after feeling the effects of his work, hence at last I have an amazing portrait.

The story behind the portrait goes like this:

One day in January 2021 whilst updating my website “Chen” said, it was about time clients could see a picture of me. With that, I turned to Google and typed in “spirit portrait artist” and up came a few pages of websites. While moving through the listings “Chen” said “Stop”, that’s the person I want to draw my image.

That website was Anna Trew, Spirit portrait artist.

After a few emails, I received this portrait in the post. What an amazing image, just as I see “Chen” in my mind’s eye! 

Whilst looking at the image he said to me “I watched Anna draw every single line on my portrait to ensure it was an accurate representation of how I wish to be seen”.

Annas portrait was well past my expectations and as usual “Chen” was right, she is an amazing artist, her website can be found here: Anna Trew Spirit Artist

Who Was “Chen” During His Last Earth Life?

Now most people in the spiritual realm have a spirit guide that they like to talk about, “Chen is no different.

Since he works with me every day many clients are intrigued by “Chen” and regularly ask for more information about this powerful and humorous spirit guide. Especially after he facilitates so much help and healing for many clients.

My spirit guide “Chen” has been rather elusive to say the least about his past lives on planet Earth hence I figured it was time to question him and provide a view of who “Chen” is and why he is working with me.

Rewind Back To 1624

So “Chen’s” last Earth physical incarnation was in the year 1624.

He lived in China, in what is now the providence of “Guangdong” on the eastern side of China, near what is now called the city of “Meizhou”. 
“Chen” lived in this area as a humble peasant, farming and fishing with his family, he had a wife and two children both boys. At that time he had a specific interest in plants and shamanic practices to help heal people.

Was “Chen” Famous?

No “Chen” was not famous in any way and is keen to make sure he stays that way, even though he does have a rather committed following among those clients who have met him in person and when Andrew trance channels him.

“Chen’s Focus”

“Chen” has a passion for working with humanity, he loves people of all colours and creeds,  has no interest in religion and is very focused on banishing negative energies from this planet.

Does “Chen” Channell Through Other Spiritual Mediums?

In short “No”, Chen will only be channelling through Andy whilst Andy is available to perform this important work. Chen is a spiritual entity and therefore can of course communicate with other mediums if he chooses to do so. Over the course of time as “Chen” has a larger following other mediums have claimed to be channelling “Chen” however this is not correct.

Why Did “Chen” Select Andy To Work With?

This question comes up very often, why did “Chen” pick Andy as his physical partner to work with and perform Psychic Surgery?

“Chen’s” answer is very simple. Andy is humble and very easy to communicate with. He does not continually question my methods and provides me with a secure and reliable physical platform in which to operate. When we choose a physical medium, “We” in spirit require an energetically consistent person, that is un-phased by ridicule, is humble and can work without distraction.

“We” must invest a large amount of our time and energy into the physical medium in order to facilitate the relationship we require to work hand in hand especially performing psychic surgery and chanelling.

Trust is of the utmost importance when trance channelling as there are many dangers especially as in our case we come up against the dark aspect continually.

Negative entities and energies (demons) are real and can very quickly destroy and end your life if you do not have spiritual protection. 

During “Andy’s” training as I like to call it, he once asked me this question:

“If I do this work with you, will you always have my back?
I need to know and trust you are behind me whilst I walk into the darkness.

Andy accepted that answer and since then he has been happy to do what we ask of him even if at times things become very uncomfortable 🙂

Chen goes on to talk about my Andy’s wife Jayne.