Remote Spirit Release Therapy and Training

Psychic Surgeon, Spiritual Help, Curses, Black Magic, Entities, Hearing Voices, Demons, Witchcraft, Alien Implants, Parasites, Working With Spirit Guide Chen

Spirit Release Therapy Training

Spirit Release Therapy Change Your Life  Feel Happy!

Remote Spirit Release Therapy is an alternative therapeutic approach that aims to identify and resolve issues related to spiritual attachments, intrusions, or disturbances. It is based on the belief that individuals can be influenced or affected by non-physical entities or energies, such as spirits, entities, or negative energies.

There is a growing demand from health service users in the UK, USA and Europe for help in spiritual health issues, including spirit possession and related health problems. As providers of Spirit Release Therapy, we are under increasing pressure to try to meet this demand. We therefore need more colleagues to be trained in the techniques.

For those who are not familiar with the term ‘Spirit Release’, or don’t yet know what Spirit Release Therapy (SRT) is, follow the link for an explanation to the online encyclopedia of the Society for Psychical Research.

This demand from service users has created the need for more qualified health-care professionals and complementary therapists to be trained in the art and skill of detecting and removing spirit attachments from patients.

We are therefore responding to this demand with an evolving program of training courses for health-care professionals and complementary therapists to learn the highly successful Spirit Release techniques and skills that we use.

It is becoming increasingly apparent, from our clinical experience, that if a person has any kind of spirit attached to them it will interfere with any other therapeutic method applied and prevent full recovery.

This means that until negative spirit intrusions are removed no medical or therapeutic intervention will work as it should and the patient is likely to continue with a chronic and progressive illness. It is therefore essential that many more medical practitioners and therapists become aware of this fundamental fact and are engaged in the education process of learning how to deal with it.


What is an Earthbound Spirit?

An earthbound spirit is that of a person who has died but their spirit (or soul) remains bound to the earth instead of moving on to the higher planes of the spirit realms. Earthbound spirits are commonly found on battlefields, road accident locations, sites of terrorist bombings and in hospitals where they have died from old age or disease.

They remain earthbound for a variety of reasons. There are many people with psychic abilities who can see them, but most people do not have the knowledge or skills to deal with them in an appropriate way.

Visitors to hospitals often walk out with an earthbound spirit attached to them without being aware of it. Earthbounds can also affect a person with the disease that they died of, creating unexplained symptoms in a healthy living patient.

All health care professionals who work in hospitals and clinics need to be aware of the presence of earthbound spirits in their working environment and be able to release them from living patients.

Certified Training

Remote Spirit Release Certified Training School Join Us!

We are releasing a new version of the spirit release training technique that Andy Porter created with Dr Terence Palmer PHD.

Andy and Jonno Webster are building a new website and organisation called “Spirit Release Academy

Dr Palmers previous method of bespoke in-situ training was initiated by a Buddhist monastery in the United States where the monks wanted to learn the skills in order to serve their local community. It was impractical for them all to leave on a training course overseas as a group and it would have been far too expensive for accommodation and travel for the whole group. The more practical and less costly alternative was for the school to come to them. 

The year 2019 saw our training programme expand to Mexico and the United States. We have been acknowledged by no less than five senior psychiatrists in the UK, members of the Royal College of Psychiatry and the Royal Society of Medicine and we are being asked, ‘When is our training coming to London?’

We therefore need to raise the bar on efficiency and standards with the aim of running a training event on the premises of the Royal Society of Medicine. 

Unfortunatley since Dr Palmer PhD has passed (RIP 2021) the SRT training will now be restarted under the “Spirit Release Academy” umbrella website, click below to visit the SRA website.

Visit SRA Website