Terms and Conditions & Informed Consent

Psychic Surgeon, Spiritual Help, Curses, Black Magic, Entities, Hearing Voices, Demons, Witchcraft, Alien Implants, Parasites, Working With Spirit Guide Chen

Aims and Objectives

The primary objective of this procedure is to give aid and assist you in relieving the distress that you or a person close to you may be experiencing due to any spiritual based problem, this could be from a discarnate spirit entity, negative entity, including dark force entities (DFE), inter-dimensional species, alien, curses, hexes or earthbound spirit (EB).

Method employed

The method of intervention employed is the Remote Psychic Surgery method. For the remote method Andrew Porter connects with his spirit guide “Chen” and the spiritual clearing procedure is conducted from a distance by telepathic and clairvoyant means. All spiritual work is conducted beyond the physical boundaries of time and space. You, therefore, will not be aware when the procedure is performed and there will be no need for the patient to be in any particular place at any particular time. You will be sent a report after the procedure and the appointment has been completed. The remote method is ideal for patients who are below the age of consent and for those who are too incapacitated or too ill to give consent or are detained within mental health institutions.  All Clients are sent a copy of their report in written format.

Definitions of Terms Used

The person who is the subject of the remote Psychic Surgery procedure is referred to as The Client. The person requesting the procedure and taking responsibility for the payment of fees is referred to as The Client.

Payment of Fees

The fees for the services offered are detailed on the booking pages. The method of payment is through Stripe / Pay Pal / Bank Payment and Bitcoin. No other payment method is currently available. If you are unable to make payment from your location then perhaps you can enlist the aid of someone who can. When payment has been successfully completed your appointment will be entered into the calendar schedule.

Confidentiality & Anonymity

Your appointment and case are automatically allocated a unique case file number and all personal information is treated with the strictest confidentiality and anonymity. You and all members of your family are assured of absolute anonymity and privacy, and under no circumstances whatsoever will your name or any other personal information be disclosed or revealed in any form for any purpose whatsoever.

Our web forms do not store any information you submit to us on our own web servers. Our web forms automatically email us with your enquiry/message directly.
For additional security, all information submitted via our website is done using SSL encryption ( Green Padlock ).

Protection & Welfare

Your welfare and that of the referred patient are of the utmost importance and you may be assured that all means will always be taken for your spiritual protection during the procedure.

Informed Consent

Your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions is an acknowledgment that you give your Informed Consent, either on behalf of yourself or a client of your own if you are a medical practitioner or another therapist, or for a friend or family member. If you are acting on behalf of someone who is not able to give their own informed consent for any reason then, as the referrer, you agree to take full responsibility for requesting the intervention on their behalf, and you, therefore, agree to the terms and conditions contained herein and for the payment of any fees.

Email Marketing

By booking our services, you agree that we will securely store your data using email marketing platforms to stay in touch with you. This allows us to send your reports, updates, and important emails related to your sessions. Your information will be handled with care and never shared with third parties. You can unsubscribe at any time

Refund Policy

We understand circumstances change and will happily refund any payments made for appointments BEFORE the appointment date.

Regarding courses and workshops, since these have a limited number of places we are unable to refund payments made after the course starts since the place will have been secured and then cannot be re-sold.

Cancellations received 7 days or more in advance of an event or workshop will be refunded in full.

Limitations of Service

• It is with regret that we are not able to offer a 24-hour emergency service.

• We are not able to provide telephone counseling.

• We are not providers of one-to-one therapy of any kind.

• Cases are entered into our schedule only on receipt of a booking form accompanied by the correct advance payment.

•  We do not work weekends and all UK national bank holidays are observed.

• Schedules are updated on the first working day of every week.

•  Clients are respectfully requested to exercise a little patience and understanding whilst their case is moving up the schedule and email requests for delivery dates are not acknowledged in order to save time and administration resources.

• Our service aims to address the spiritual health of the referred patient only.

• We cannot offer psychological therapy or healing for the physical body.

• Advice for post-intervention well-being is always given in the report.

• We don’t have the resources to provide aftercare or therapy following our intervention.

Your Data

We do NOT sell any data to any other company or third party.

Any testimonials used on the website will have any personal data removed and anonymised.

Our website does not save credit card details, nor do we share customer details with any third parties. 


Our practitioners are not medically trained and are therefore not qualified to give medical or psychiatric diagnoses. Although we work with powerful and resourceful spirit guides, we are not able to offer any guarantees, unreasonable expectations or miracle cures. Every individual is responsible for their own choices in lifestyle and habits and for the development of their own spiritual education, and emotional, psychological and physical well-being. We, therefore, encourage all  Clients to take responsibility for their own welfare and follow any guidance offered in good faith by the spirit guides or the Patient’s own Higher-Self.

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