Psychic Surgeon, Spiritual Help, Curses, Black Magic, Entities, Hearing Voices, Demons, Witchcraft, Alien Implants, Parasites, Working With Spirit Guide Chen

Client Testimonials

Hopefully by detailing some of my testimonials below this will help to provide a clearer picture of real client’s experiences.

Dear Andrew,
Thank you immensely for removing negative energies. I felt great today. Peace and God’s blessings to you and Chen.

Hi, You are so very kind I am moved to tears you are such a thoughtful kind person. Wow. So kind and I am utterly speechless. My room and house is lighter.
The first night I literally felt an entity being pulled from my sacral chakra area below my stomach area.

Hi Andrew,
Hope you remember me. Thanks for your help my sister is lot better now. Most of the sounds in her head are gone. Its just her body is bit week, which I am sure will get better with time. thanks again! J

Thanks for everything yesterday, I would like to know if we should continue giving MXXXXX his anti psychotic medicine.
I checked with him this morning re the voices, he does not hear them any more. Regards P

Hi Andrew, I feel SO different…. At peace for the first time in ages! Thank you, Chen!

Dear Andrew,
Please feel free to use this update as testimonial (or not). This is my third session with Andrew and I have eliminated yet another energy block from my body (root chakra). I have been working on this issue for 20 plus years without success (aggressively). Finally I have had success while working with Andrew.

Hi Andy What a fabulous report and so thorough with all your recommendations.
I was having anxiety this morning at about 10:15/10:20 and felt intense flutterings around my heart but after that I can honestly say I have had the calmest day since I can remember.
No intrusive negative thoughts and just got on with so much work I’m absolutely amazed and so thankful to you and Chen.
For the first time in 3 weeks when I stand up I do not get a shooting pain down my left leg (which was like an electric shock or standing on a sword) there is still a twinge but nothing like yesterday.
I only hope that I can sleep tonight so will let you know if that was possible.
Thank you so much for all your help and compassion I really send my love to all involved in this powerful loving process.
I will work on all your recommendations and will let you know about my sleep pattern I really have faith in this process. Thanks again to you and Chen ! I had an extraordinary experience of healing from Chen, via Andy Porter, some years ago, and after a recent recurrence of the health problems that have blighted my life, I went back for more.
I had an immediate sense of relief on that very day. There is nothing psychosomatic about this, and there is no wishful thinking on my part involved.
The important thing is…it worked!
[Interesting that you recommend Dion Fortune’s ‘Psychic Self Defence’.
I was her first biographer!] bestest Alan RXXX

Hi Andrew,
I’m happy to report I think the clearing was successful this time.
So I’m very grateful forever to you.
Mostly, thank you for being encouraging when no one else would. You are smart and brave and good like the guy in Tales of Brave Ulysses, the song by The Cream.
Then, also, I think I got better by following your instructions and doing good in all things, and uplifting from undesirable low entities. I take salt showers and drink a lot of water.
Also I am dealing with my personal issues which is for the first time with therapists in my area who I visit once a week.
So thanks again, Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for you and your family in the New Year.
Your friend!

Hi Andrew,
Since my session I feel so much better. I’ve been dreaming a lot these last few days, and should really start writing them down again. I’m much happier in my energy and have been so much more productive.
I use my golden globe with the mirror surface throughout the day when it crosses my mind. I’ve not heard from any of the kids yet, but trust that they also feel freer within themselves.
After 20 years of sounding crazy to people who don’t understand the reality of abuse, your session really validated what I know and have had to go through.
Thanks again I started to feel positive effects from the Friday morning, these accentuated on Friday evening and through the weekend. The report made sense to me, although I was hoping for a bit more detail in regards to what was attached to me. I have followed the steps with salt, white sage and crystals – these made perfect sense to me due to past experiences and where I am at the moment.
I feel in a more positive and connected state since the surgery – more optimistic about the future, it is hard to describe but I do feel free-er, able to concentrate and communicate better (this was an issue before).
I have struggled with ‘depression’ over the years which you alluded to in the report. I was always aware that this was an entity or entities but would lose confidence in this belief during hard times. All I can say is that since the appointment I feel no effects of this and my mind and heart are clear. I KNOW everything will be ok now and I can focus on my true purpose with no hindrances.
I read the documents attached to the email so thank you for these.
Your eBook was really interesting to read and has increased my self-confidence and ability to shape my future.

Hi Andrew,
Thank You very much for the clearing.
I just talked to my brother, and he says that last night the voices became quiet, and I asked him when did he feel that the voices and the entities were gone, and he said today morning. Right now he feels peace.

Hi Andrew,
I feel as it something has ‘shifted’ but too soon to say that I feel fully recovered. However, because of the discussion I had with Chen, have a depth of understanding of the problem and am confident that the surgery has been successful.
I am aware that things may take a little while to fully settle down and feel positive and hopeful about the future.
I thought that the environment had a wonderful healing energy and was perfect for peace and relaxation.
Your work is amazing.
Many thanks

Hello Andrew, I want to thank you both so much for finally giving me a the straight answer no one else has.
I have sought help with this trouble from people (mediums) who in light of what you have just said should have been able tell me the same. Feed on the fear. Thank you Andrew, that answers even more than I hoped for. I know where that fear originated too. It is a change in perspective that now lets me see this trouble for what it is. I will read the pages on psychic protection methods as soon as I can tomorrow evening. Thank you once again. M

What you did for me in my psychic surgery has been wonderful. I believe you did it on Friday 5th July and since that day, over the few weeks following it was as if the negativity surrounding me, lifted. All the things that annoy me still happen but they no longer seem to stick (if that makes sense) I feel so much more positive and after 6 years of a constant negative murmuring, really its quite, miraculous. I honestly couldn’t be more grateful!!

Hi Andy, I hope you’re well.
I’m just checking in to say that since your interventions I’ve been a different person. You’ve released me from entities, and energies that haunted my most of my life and almost drove me to suicide.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Hi Andrew, I am so deeply grateful that you were able to attend to me so quickly. I can’t express how much better I feel today. I have just had the most horrific week and to wake up and feel physically and emotionally better…I’m just so appreciative and grateful. With the deepest of gratitude to you and Chen.

Hi Andrew, Really sorry for not getting back to you sooner. James went into hospital the day before the appointment but I have to admit since the appointment he has been much better. I’ve been trying to figure out if it’s the hospital or what happened with your guide and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s your guide that has made all the difference … Thank you Andy…… I have new faith in the world at last.

Hi Andy,
Thank you very much, I am truly grateful for the amazing work you have done for all of my family and my twin!
Sending you much gratitude.
Best regards,

Thank you so , Andy, for your much for answering my question. I believe you are right.
To my husband and I, it makes total sense.
Much Love and Gratitude to you, IXXX

Thank you Dr Palmer and Andy Porter.
You have radically changed my life and my client’s. I am not saying anything about it to her children who have yet to meet her again since you achieved the release on her behalf. I am waiting til they meet her to see the difference themselves and only in a few months might I reveal what took place but I won’t mention your names.
I am now utterly convinced this is something I want to explore more of and to be on your course once time allows for me.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Thanks Andy,
Hope you are well Emoji
Thank you for doing a check up and thats good news that there is nothing.
You have been very good to me and i appreciate all you have done.
I will keep myself focused on the positive now and continue your recommend procedure.
If im in need of clearing in future i will most definitely call upon your service
and will recommend to anyone where needed.
Many thanks again to you and Chen.

I’m feeling so much better, it’s pretty amazing – it’s like you have a superpower!
I’m going to book in a session for my mother too as she’s had a myriad of health problems and bizarre accidents.
With deep gratitude,
Sent from my iPhone

Hi Andy,
Many thanks to you. I feel on top of the world today and appreciate you immensely! I transferred money to my PayPal and will set up an appointment as soon as it clears. I will reconnect with you in a few days.
Warm regards,
Sent from my iPhone

Dear Andy,
Thank you so much for kindly doing a prompt clearing for me.
I can confirm that there are no more conversations in my head that are outside my own thoughts.
Many Blessings to you and the work that you do Andy.

Good night Mr. Porter
I hope you are doing well.
I resend this email for book a remote appointment for me.
In relation to my husband after you perform the cleaning session he received 9 jobs offers he is in the middle of interviews, I’m crossing my fingers hoping he will receive a good offer.
Thanks Mr. Porter.

Good afternoon Andy Porter
Hope all is well with you..
Thank you for your email..
Find it difficult to express my inner most feelings .. but I’ll do my best ..
I’m feeling calm ,relaxed anxiety levels have dropped .. bit more focused sleeping a little bit better ..not so tired as before.. and more optimistic about the future striving to be authentic to myself which means opening up more allowing people in .. of course being discerning ..
Sent an email informing you of a surgery on my left shoulder about a year or two ago..
Hope my explanation of how I am feeling is to be expected.. following your services..
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information..
I wish you a pleasurable day..
Kind regards

The clearings have had positive impacts on myself, my son, son in law, my niece and my husband. That’s where I’ve seen the biggest difference.
In myself, as a spiritually practicing person I’ve had my eyes opened up to the true nature of the non physical worlds. I’ve discovered through this, that happy clappy new age just think positive, is not the full story. Unless you understand both sides, positive and negative, you’ll always be vulnerable and limited.
I’ve been telling so many people about this and actually so many people are fascinated and are waking up to this as a possibility.
Personally I believe we are engaged in a battle between light and dark and there are different ways to increase the light in a person. But this is a great way, and one that gets directly to the thing often holding a person back. I see myself doing this, in a couple of years.
It’s just amazing to me. My life feels much richer now I’ve acknowledged the dark influences on the world. It helps things make sense.
Best wishes

What you did for me in my psychic surgery has been wonderful. I believe you did it on Friday 5th July and since that day, over the few weeks following it was as if the negativity surrounding me, lifted. All the things that annoy me still happen but they no longer seem to stick (if that makes sense) I feel so much more positive and after 6 years of a constant negative murmuring, really its quite, miraculous. I honestly couldn’t be more grateful!!
I have recommended you to my Mum, Sisters and Friends… funnily enough!

Thank you Andy! I’m feeling so much better today, always amazed by the results.
Much gratitude,
? Nx

Thanks so much for doing the work. Much appreciated. You’ve definitely provided a “value add” service.ie adding value to my life
I have a definite feeling of calm right now and that’s awesome
I’ve read through all the info which you’ve provided and I’m excited for the future.
Thank you kindly

Thank you Andrew to you and your team for such an amazing and priceless work.
Kind regards 

Thank you, and I didn’t have the chance to tell you, but I always feel the intensity of the session and the positive changes afterwards, so thank you and Andy and Chen for all you do for this world!
Regards CP

Hi Andy
Thank you so much for the clearing and the report, I feel much lighter and much less anxiety now.
Thank you for your work and your time.
Warm regards

Thank you Andy, Jayne and Chen… I really appreciate this effort.
I feel this experience with you all, had been a life changing experience, that has been good for everyone of the members of my family and me.
God bless you
This has been just a blessing for me to read this.
Super happy Lx

Thank you so much. Dan gave me a hug this morning of his own volition – that hasn’t happened for a long time – it was such a lovely feeling x

I’m so sorry I didn’t respond to this-It was in my junk folder. I just want you to know that the voices have stopped. Thank you for everything and please let your spiritual team know how grateful I am.

Dear Andrew, Jayne and Chen.
Just a quick note of gratitude for your efforts, for your time, for your professional reports, and the changes that with your knowledge and guidance you three are making in my life and in my children’s life, we’re we all had been cursed.
Thsnk you, thank you, thank you ❤️
God bless you all!!!

Many thanks Andy, Jayne & Chen for the clearing. My etheric field looks good only because of your clearing. I have been ardently following your instructions on using sea salt, crystals and sage smuging for protection. Will continue to do the clearing every month.
Thank you for being there!
Much love

Dear Andrew porter,
Thank you soo much. After the appointment, I am feeling much better now. The voices have diminished to a certain extent that prior to the session I had almost 5 voices that I could hear. Now, it has reached to almost one. I think soo a few more sessions can make me cure of these sounds. Other disturbances too has been reduced a lot. No words to express my happiness…. Thank you soo much to your team…. Hoping for the best…
Thanking you

I want to thank you immensely for your work. I felt my body being worked on and I had to tell my body to let go and allow you to take over.
I’m a healer or shall I say a facilitator and I too remove entities and stagnation from the body of others but since I had so much in and around my auric field, I wonder what I am doing wrong. Nonetheless, I will follow your protocol and suggestions intently.
Do you happen to have classes or able to work one on one or take on an apprentice?

Hello Andy, Jayne and Chen!
I just wanted to give you an update on my son JXXXX since his psychic surgery.
AMAZING!!! He stopped biting his fingernails, he stopped going to the bar/pub & getting drunk.
He is focusing more on positive and less ruminating on negative!!
He is also currently holding 2 jobs/employment.
Thank you guys so very much!
Thank God!

Hi Andy,
First time in the last 7 years, i have slept peacefully. No noise, no more insect crawling, no heaviness in the chest, no pricking, headache reduced and most importantly, i feel calm and myself. I could clearly feel a heavy load being lifted gently out of my back and left hand, only to learn later from Andy’s detailed report there were 9 entities attached to me alongside curses and knots which were removed sucessfully.
Those of you, who are a victim of hate, jealousy and on-going witchcraft attacks – i would highly recommend, you use the services of Andy. This man is the real deal. I have, in the past approached a lot of psychics, spellcasters and healers, but none could identify the real cause. They only attack your opponets, when the real problem is inside of you and conviniently operating against you. As long as you dont get rid of these negative attachments, you are bound to fail at everything. Cleanse yourself first from the demons n negative entities, the perpetrators will vanish on their own.
God Bless the awesome threesome – Andy, Jayne and Chen ♥️♥️♥️
Much Love

I am glad to tell you we are very pleased with the results. I have been in constant touch with MXXXX’s tutor (her grandmother, and my sister). She reports MXXXX is quite her normal self again. She is eating much better, does her chores willingly, and has recovered her natural cheerfulness. In fact, your intervention has made my sister to dismiss the possibility of taking MXXXX to a psychiatrist. We cannot thank you enough for that.
Regarding my own appointment, I have to thank you yet again. You were right about stale negative energies that had been pestering me for a few years. Also true were your findings of compromised grounding, and someone having done something very wrong against me. In the days after my appointment, I had sort of a healing crisis that lasted a couple of days. After that, I have been able to resume some projects I had been unable to pursue for a long time, and feel much better.
Thank you very much for all the material and suggestions included with your reports. I will indeed follow your work.

Dear Andy, Jayne & Chen
Thank You!!! I very much appreciate the Psychic Surgery session and the results you have shared with me. Also thank you for the additional resources you have included in this email. I am already feeling lighter and more positive.
I will be sure to recommend this service and I look forward to having further sessions with you to make sure my etheric field is clear.
Wishing you a wonderful day and send you Happy New Moon Blessings!!
Love & Light!!
Best Wishes

Thank you so very much lovely Jayne! I am so grateful for all your help and please say a very big thank you to Andy from me!! Yes, I am so happy about EXXXX and I am so so so happy I found you as my relationship with EXXX has become so much lighter and less fraught since the clearings.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much again!
Much love

I want to thank you again for what you guys do. I have been unable to work for a few years now, but before that I was in a profession where I helped people. I really liked helping people. So this has been exciting to me because I can help people I know and also help the disincarnate entities (and possibly the negative entities even) return to the light, go back home finally to continue their journeys with loving support.
I know most of these people I’m requesting for might be confused or put off by some of the wording on your website, so I like doing this quietly in the background. I’ve watched all your YouTube videos, and I really feel like you guys do great things for humanity, not only helping people to be able to self-actualize by giving them this boost as an opportunity, but also helping all those lost discarnate beings go home.
Thank you so much.

Dear Andrew, Jayne and Chen
You performed a psychic surgery on my brother and me on Friday 24th. As soon as it happened I felt dizzy and without energy but in a good way and also clear minded.
My brother described a better feeling too. You advised to get rose quartz among other things, I’m on my way to get one. I don’t know if there is anybody who can teach meditation in my country, but Reiki yes there is. And also it’s kind of illegal to teach meditation where I live.
I have lost so many opportunities in my life and my love of Life because of these problems and I’ll try to make something out of my life now that I am with out all of the negatives which you cleared.
In future I’ll ask you to performe the surgery on my other brother and his wife and if possible my parents. I am studying psychology and would like to learn and do what you do and don’t know where to start( I know it’s a long way). It has to be learned because therapy won’t matter as long as one is not cleared of negativeness.
I want to thank you but words cannot express my gratitude, thank you for your services and kindness and restless work.
I appreciate your patience for my boring letter. I look forward for your response and to hear from the work that you do for others.
Best of regards

Perfect just booked it thank you so much! You guys are amazing, felt a huge shift yesterday after my clearing!

Jayne I have received it safely and have read it and will reread many times
It is exceptional. I hope you can feel the frequency of my gratitude.
It is a miraculous gift to Peter.
And also to me because I feel very much lighter today. It is so so noticeable.
Please convey my deepest gratitude to Andy.
You were both there for me in my very darkest hour. Thankyou.

Hi Andy, Jayne and Chen
I would like to thank you and everyone involved from the bottom of my heart! What a great experience! During the appointment I rested and experienced the most unusual perceptions of the most pleasant kind. After the treatment I also immediately felt a lot better and in the hours afterwards my energy level steadily went up. I feel much lighter and at the same time much more grounded. Thank you for your unusual work!
Kind regards

Dear Andrew & Chen,
Thank you so much 🙂
I’m already feeling very good!
I will let you know more about the changes in the next few weeks.
I have to order sea salt and rose quartz 🙂
Thanks again!

I’m so happy to have relief due to your psychic work – I saw things leaving even in the first week, and my energy is rising. I see changes for the other two people I asked you to work on so that’s pretty exciting. It’s important to maintain the clearance via sal boundaries juices and I now meditate almost every day. This is a huge deal for me because I’ve been suffering from heavy psychic attack for years. Thanks team!

Thank you all very much.
The psychic invasion imposter known as my “twin flame” was gone today.
Usually I can’t get him out of my head. It makes it hard to function in the 3D. Or even think straight. It was AWFUL!
I didn’t know the surgery was today. For some reason I thought it was the 26th.
So when the connection was COMPLETELY ABSENT upon waking, I became anxious that he might have died.
Imagine my surprise when I opened my email and found this report.

Hello Andrew and team,
Again I deeply appreciate this work and I very much feel the strength of it. Especially how straightforward
you and Jayne are about it.

Hi Andrew and Chen
Just want to say thank you to both of you. I feel so
Much better this week. I have a clearer mind
And my energy now feels more connected.
I am continuing to follow your advice on using salt
To protect myself and my home.
Thank you for the work that you both do,
It is truly amazing. Thank you also for your
Book and links to your you tube.
Kindest regards

Good morning sir I think you have done a great job Wednesday early morning I dream see a woman leaving with her bag say one man is in prison and she have to leave because she can’t stay here and she don’t know when she will be back oh boy after you did that work they were angry they didn’t want to go it was a struggle thank you very much I slept well over the pass 3 nights I have done so for a long time no dream of eating in my sleep

Please extend my gratitude and warmest regards to Chen, Andrew and yourself.
And everyone else at Healing the Wounded Spirit,
The work you are doing is very much needed in this world of ours,
and I salute you for it.
Love and light & and all the best…………………………………………………………P.B.

I have to say, I was skeptical at first and didn’t expect to “feel” anything. I was wrong. Yesterday was the day after my clearing and I have to say, it was amazing. The first thing I noticed is when I went to do my usual check and scroll facebook in the morning, I got a sick feeling in my stomach and stopped. I haven’t checked facebook since.I think that’s a good indication that wasn’t a healthy behavior for me. Also I was very calm and level headed, which was awesome.

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