
Psychic Surgeon, Spiritual Help, Curses, Black Magic, Entities, Hearing Voices, Demons, Witchcraft, Alien Implants, Parasites, Working With Spirit Guide Chen

Preparing for your Appointment

After your Appointment – Questions and Guidance

Spiritual Protection

Psychic Surgery

Curses, Witchcraft and Voodoo

Hearing Voices, Intrusive Thoughts

Negative Entities, Gargoyles, Demons and Extraterrestrials

Post Appointment Question About Curses and Cursing

Michael ex-soldier, had been hearing voices for 23 years, 2 weeks after the session he is still free of voices. (Dr Terence Palmer PHD, and Andrew Porter).

Hearing Voices Trailer. 
A complimentary approach to help people hearing voices, (Dr Terence Palmer PHD, and Andrew Porter).

Andrew was interviewed by Kristin Gillespie from Deconstructing Sentience in Jan 2021 and covers many topics.

Andy & Kristin discuss many topics including energy vampirism, negative entity attachment, demonic possession, curses, witchcraft, ET implants, chords, ghosts, discarnate spirits, clearing ancestral traumas, mediumship, sovereignty checks, intention, crystals, black obsidian, shungite, protective pentagrams, misunderstood kundalini awakenings, schizophrenia & intrusive thoughts, ayahuasca, psychedelics, emotional manipulation, authenticity, identity crises, losing friends due to awakening, light bubbles, violet flame, multidimensionality & ascension.

Kristin’s YouTube channel can be found here >>

Andrew was interviewed by Zeraphina Angelus, March 2021

Andy & Zeraphina discuss many topics including addictions, negative entities, psychic protection, demonic possession, curses, witchcraft, sovereignty checks.

Zerapina’s YouTube Channel can be found here >>

Video Gaming, Does it cause anger, rage, anxiety, depression, stress, and more importantly does it attract demons?

Do demons, negative entities and discarnate spirits encourage negative addictive behaviours such as drugs, alcohol abuse and violent criminal activity?

Radio Interview with Alan Cox.

Andy discusses various spiritual topics with Alan Cox from “Understanding Spirit”, including psychic surgery, schizophrenia, spirit attachments, demons, curses and negative energy.

Radio Interview with Robert Stanley – Part 1

Andy explains how he works with his guide “Chen” and various spiritual topics with Robert Stanley, including psychic surgery, schizophrenia, spirit attachments, parasites, alien lifeforms, demons, curses and negative energy.

Radio Interview with Robert Stanley – Part 2

Andy continues the interview with Robert as part-2, discussing how negative alien parasites connect to people, create illness, addictions, and drive many negative behaviours. Carlos Castaneda an American shamanic writer described the types of entities that Robert and Andy discuss on this show.

Radio Interview with Chris Fleming

Attachments, hearing voices and mental health issues – is there a connection to the paranormal? 

Chris Fleming and Andy talk about this phenomena, what they have encountered and how it affects peoples physical and mental state. This interview was recorded on Chris Flemings Spirit Talk Radio Channel.

Zoom Fireside Chat With Jonno Webster

This Zoom fireside chat was filmed at Jonno and Louise Websters house in the UK, December 6th, 2022. Jonno and I talked about Psychic Surgery, how we work with our guides, what to expect during a session, how we follow Dr Terence Palmers SRT clearing protocol and much more in this very interesting Zoom chat. Louise kindly fronted the questions and generally kept us honest.

Psychic Sundays Radio Interview – March 2023

In this episode Louise and Michelle from the Psychic Sundays podcast interview spirit release practitioners Jonno Webster & Andy Porter. They cover details about their new world wide “Spirit Release Training Academy” and their new spiritual protection business “Celestial Defence” aimed at corporate businesses that need spiritual help to increase good fortune and ongoing spiritual protection.

Websites Below:

Interview With (May 2023)

Mystic Mag has a remarkable guest Andrew Porter, a renowned psychic surgeon who specializes in resolving spiritual problems. With his unique abilities and extensive experience, Andrew has dedicated his life to helping individuals overcome a wide range of spiritual challenges. From psychic surgery and hearing voices to curses, voodoo, witchcraft, black magic, entity clearing, spirit release therapy, and property clearing, Andrew’s expertise covers a vast array of spiritual concerns. n a world where unseen forces can have a profound impact on our lives, Andrew has emerged as a beacon of light and healing for those in need.