Psychic Surgeon Spiritual HELP

We Resolve Spiritual Problems

Psychic Surgeon - Hearing Voices Help - Curses - Voodoo - Witchcraft - Black Magic - Entity Clearing -  Spirit Release Therapy - Property Clearing 

Andy Porter
Psychic Surgeon

Andy Porter Psychic Surgeon has been working as a psychic surgeon with his spirit guide “CHEN” and his wife Jayne since 2004 and is an IPHM certified trainer and practitioner.

Andy works across the spiritual arena performing modern etheric “Psychic Surgery” and SRT (Spirit Release Therapy) using the technique he co-developed with the eminent Dr Terence Palmer PhD over a 10 year period.

Andy met and worked with the eminent Dr Terence Palmer PhD (RIP) in 2011, and together they co-developed their version of the Remote Spirit Release (RSR) protocol with spirit guide “CHEN” under the banner of Spirit Release Therapy.

Spirit Release Academy (SRA)
This protocol is used and taught today via the (SRA) Spirit Release Academy. This protocol evolved during the 1000 live client cases Dr Palmer PhD, Andy and “CHEN” worked on together over a 10 year period.

Andy co-founded the (SRA) Spirit Release Academy with his good friend and co-founder Jonno Webster also a psychic surgeon and together they teach the SRT (Spirit Release Therapy) protocol to students located around the world.

Spiritual Meditation & Protection Courses
Andy also teaches meditation, spiritual protection courses, workshops, events, podcasts, talks and demonstrations working with clients from all over the world.

The Spiritual Wisdom of “CHEN”
Much of Andy’s success as a psychic surgeon comes from his collaboration with his spirit guide, CHEN.

CHEN brings a higher level of insight and clarity, ensuring that each session is not only personalized but divinely guided. This spiritual wisdom allows Andy to work as a psychic surgeon beyond the limitations of the physical world, offering a level of healing that can transcend time and space.

A Trusted Name in Modern Psychic Surgery & Energy Healing
With years of experience and a growing number of clients worldwide, Andy Porter has earned a reputation for being a compassionate and powerful healer. His modern approach to psychic surgery, combined with CHEN’s timeless guidance, has helped countless people rediscover their energy, health, and spiritual alignment.

Start Your Recovery and Feel Better Today!

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Psychic Surgery

A Modern Approach Guided by Spirit Guide “CHEN”

Psychic surgery is an ancient healing technique that works beyond the physical body, targeting energetic blockages, negative attachments, and spiritual imbalances. Over the years, this powerful method has evolved, blending ancient wisdom with modern spiritual practices. At the core of this transformation is Andy Porter, who, with the guidance of his spirit guide CHEN, offers a unique and effective approach to psychic surgery.

What Is Psychic Surgery?
Psychic surgery operates on the energetic level, removing non-physical blockages that can cause emotional, mental, or even physical distress. While traditional medicine addresses the body, psychic surgery works on the energetic body—the aura, chakras, and spiritual layers—releasing dense energies, clearing negaative spiritual attachments, entities, discarnate spirits, curses, portals, interdimensional parasities and restoring balance. It’s a deeply spiritual practice aimed at healing issues that may be overlooked by conventional methods.

How Andy Porter Implements Psychic Surgery
Andy Porter’s work with psychic surgery is a unique fusion of intuitive skill, spiritual insight, and guidance from his spirit guide, CHEN. Here’s how Andy’s modern approach stands out:
Spirit-Guided Healing: With CHEN by his side, Andy taps into higher realms of spiritual wisdom, ensuring that each healing session is tailored to the individual’s specific energetic needs. CHEN helps Andy identify and address the root causes of energetic disturbances, making each session deeply personal and transformative.
Energetic Removal and Realignment:
During a psychic surgery session, Andy focuses on removing energy blockages, negative attachments, or imbalances that may be holding you back. CHEN’s guidance ensures that these energies are properly removed and replaced with healing light, bringing the energetic body back into harmony.

Holistic Integration:
Psychic surgery with Andy goes beyond just energy removal. Once negative energies are cleared, Andy and CHEN work together to realign your energy field, allowing for deep healing that integrates emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. This holistic approach ensures lasting results, helping you feel more balanced, protected, and empowered.

What Can Psychic Surgery Help With?
Psychic surgery is a powerful tool for addressing a range of energetic and spiritual challenges, including:

Anxiety, Depression
Feeling energetically drained or blocked

Emotional trauma and unresolved past wounds
Negative attachments, entities, curses or psychic attacks
Physical symptoms with no apparent medical cause
Spiritual disconnection, grounding problems or lack of clarity

By working with Andy and CHEN, clients often experience relief from long-standing issues that they hadn’t been able to resolve through other methods.

A Modern Approach to an Ancient Practice
What sets Andy’s psychic surgery apart is its modern application. While deeply rooted in ancient spiritual traditions, Andy’s work is grounded in today’s world, making it accessible and practical for modern needs. His sessions are conducted remotely, allowing clients to benefit from his expertise from anywhere in the world. This adaptability is a hallmark of his practice, offering a fresh, contemporary take on an age-old healing technique.

Ready to Experience Transformative Healing?
If you feel energetically stuck, blocked, or weighed down by spiritual imbalances, psychic surgery with Andy Porter may be the key to unlocking your full potential. Working hand in hand with his spirit guide CHEN, Andy provides a deeply personalized and effective healing experience that aligns your mind, body, and spirit.

Andy’s Book 

”Chen’s Spiritual and Psychic Teachings”

This is Andy’s first book, and has been produced with the profound spiritual teachings of his faithful Spirit Guide, ”Chen”.


Appointment Booking Process

Please follow the 3 steps below to book a Psychic Surgery appointment with Andy Porter.


Select Appointment Type


Fill In The Booking Form & Make Payment

We will send you an email detailing your appointment details.

(We accept paypal, credit cards, bank transfer and bitcoin).

Book Appointment


Your Report Will be Emailed

After the appointment Andy will email your Spiritual Report, and our Spirit Attachment Guide (pdf).

Andy Porter Psychic Surgeon Working With Spirit Guide “Chen”

Andy Porter Psychic Surgeon has been working with his spirit guide “Chen” and his wife Jayne since January 2004 performing “Psychic Surgery”, workshops, events, talks and demonstrations working with clients from all over the world.

Andy and “Chen” work to help people that have a wide range of spiritual and physical ailments using his unique method of “Psychic Surgery”. Andy’s spirit guide “Chen” performs psychic surgery as a “spiritual operation” whilst Andy is in a trance like state working on the etheric body. Changes made are then reflected into the physical body as healing takes place over the next few days.

Andy also use Psychic Surgery to help people that have a wide range of spiritually based problems such as curses, witchcraft, black magic, entity attachments, discarnate spirit attachment, out of body experiences, intrusive thoughts and hearing voices to name a few.

Andy also helped set up the UK’s first Psychic Surgery organisation called “UUPS” Unity Of UK Psychic Surgeons and has also written a channelled book answering many spiritual questions with guidance from his guide “Chen”. This book also answers many questions people on a spiritual path often ask.

As well as psychic surgery Andy is currently focusing his work in the area of Auditory Voice Hallucinations, (people that are hearing voices). Hearing Voices is a huge problem across the world and one that has affected many families.

Andy received an email from Dr Palmer PhD in July 2011, asking if he would be interested to form a partnership and work together in a research capacity in the area of AVH- Auditory Voice Hallucinations, (people that are hearing voices and experiences intrusive thoughts). Andy had been working with the eminent Dr Terence Palmer for 10 years until he recently passed from Covid-19 on New Years eve 2021.
Dr Palmer’s ground breaking research in this area will be sadly missed.

People who suffer from AVH- Auditory Voice Hallucinations, experience intrusive thoughts, anxiety and depression. 
This is a rapidly developing problem in every country across the globe especially in the younger generation. It affects every country and has very detrimental effects on the mental health system. This problem is sure to increase exponentially due primarily to recreational drug, and occult practices in society.

Andy offers remote Psychic Surgery and “Spiritual Health Checks” as a great way to clear your etheric field from negative energy, attached entities, and earthbound spirits.

Working as a UK Psychic Surgeon with his spirit guide “Chen” enables Andy to find the source of many problems that have a spiritual source. 

Interested In Spirit Release Therapy (SRT)?

Spirit Release Academy (SRA)

In a world where energetic and spiritual well-being are increasingly recognized as essential to overall health, the Spirit Release Academy (SRA) stands as a beacon of knowledge and healing. Founded by Andy Porter and Jonno Webster in 2022, this academy was created to provide cutting-edge training and healing techniques focused on spirit release, spiritual protection, and energetic clearing. Through their combined SRT expertise, Andy and Jonno offer both training and healing sessions that help individuals and practitioners alike understand and resolve spiritual challenges.

The Mission of Spirit Release Academy

The Spirit Release Academy was born from a deep commitment to helping people reclaim their energy and spiritual sovereignty. With years of experience in healing and spiritual work, Andy and Jonno have seen firsthand the negative effects of spiritual attachments, psychic attacks, and energy imbalances. They created the academy to share their knowledge and train others in powerful methods of spirit release and protection.
The academy’s core mission is to educate and empower practitioners to assist those in need of spiritual freedom—whether it’s clearing unwanted attachments, releasing energy blockages, or helping individuals protect their spiritual well-being

Certified Accredited Training Provider

Andy is an IPHM Certified Trusted Training Provider.

Andy Porter is an internationally recognized healer and expert in psychic surgery, spiritual protection, and spirit release. As a trusted training provider accredited by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM), Andy offers comprehensive courses designed to empower individuals and practitioners with advanced skills in energy healing and spirit release. His unique approach, guided by his spirit guide CHEN, combines deep spiritual insight with practical techniques, making him a leading figure in modern spiritual training and healing.

Certified Accredited Therapist

Andy is an IPHM Certified Accredited Therapist.

Certified therapists are holistic professionals who have completed rigorous training, education, and certification processes. They have demonstrated their competence in providing effective therapeutic interventions, and their practices are often monitored and regulated by reputable accrediting organizations and licensing boards.Therapists who hold certifications and accreditations are bound by ethical guidelines and professional standards. This ensures that clients receive therapy that is both safe and ethical, with a commitment to confidentiality and respect for client autonomy.

Book Appointment

If you would like a Spiritual Health Check for yourself or a loved one, don’t delay! You will receive a full report and a copy of my eBook totally free.

All appointments are carried out by Andy Porter Psychic Surgeon, we don’t engage other people.

Book Today!Andrew-Porter-Psychic-Surgeon-Book

Psychic Surgeons eBoook – Chen’s Spiritual and Psychic Teachings written by Andrew Porter

Client Testimonial

Hi Andrew, I feel SO different…. At peace for the first time in ages! Thank you, Chen!

  • Hi Andy, I hope you’re well. I’m just checking in to say that since your interventions I’ve been a different person. You’ve released me from entities, and energies that haunted my most of my life and almost drove me to suicide. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Hallo Andy,
Hope you are keeping well!
This is to thank you for the recent clearing you’ve done for my son.
I decided to give my son a call the day after receiving your clearance report. I simply was in such gratitude for I knew my son was back – he was back to his gentle self.
I decided to ask him if we could meet at my local park today and he agreed with none of the aggression he had before you did the clearing.
Anyway, long story short, my son is now free from the evil spirit which was determined to cause division between us.
I cannot thank you and your guides enough Andy. It’s a real blessing to have your service available.
Words aren’t enough to convey my appreciation. For my relationship with my son has now been restored.
Love & Light,

Hearing Voices – Auditory Hallucinations

For people that are hearing voices otherwise known as auditory hallucinations in their head the symptoms can be similar at times to other major brain disorders, such as bipolar disorder manic depression or even major depression, hearing voices is the most common symptom.

Many people that are experiencing intrusive thoughts or hearing voices will most probably suffer with anxiety, depression and may be paranoid or believe that nothing is wrong with them. Therefore may not want to visit a doctor, medical practitioner or a psychiatrist.
Intrusive thoughts and or hearing voices makes It difficult for a person to distinguish between what is real and unreal.

Psychic Surgery can help with this problem and to date we have helped and documented over 1000 cases. Andy was working alongside Dr Terence Palmer. before his passing in December 2021 and is helping to teach the techniques we use to other therapists all over the world.


Mediums and Psychics Also Hear Voices.

For many people that experience hearing voices and intrusive thoughts this seems to happen after some type of substance abuse such as alcohol, drugs both medical and recreational.
Many also start hearing voices after spiritual practices such as meditation or ritual invocations that don’t invoke the correct type of spiritual protection opening the etheric field to some type of negative attachment.
Mediums and psychics also hear voices however these are positive rather than negative. 
Psychic Surgeons are always communicating with their own Spirit Guides using Telepathy.

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Negative Entities influence us daily causing, Intrusive Thoughts, Anxiety, Depression, Nightmares, Voices, Compulsive Actions! They can be stopped!

Psychic Surgery can help with negative influence. Looking back into the past it is not difficult to find pictorial evidence of non-human creatures, the pyramids in Egypt are an excellent example of a time when non-human looking creatures existed were talked about and drawn providing some type of evidence from our ancestors that planet earth has in fact been party to visitors that can travel through space and also command the population using their non-earthly powers for some time. Negative Entities exist in a frequency of vibration we cannot see or measure as yet, however their effect can be felt and it is hugely determential to the human population. Psychic Surgeons can detach and clear these negative parasites from the human Auric Field.

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the-watchers psychic-attack psychic-surgery-etheric-attack

Spirit Attachments Dead People
Still Connected to The Living Causes Many Health Problems

Spirit attachment is the method used by another energy and is normally a person who has died a physical death. It attaches to a living person and from that point onwards causes the living person a manner of physical problems.

Spirits walk the earth plane existing at a different frequency to human beings, but are able to affect the physical world if able to channel enough energy to interact with the physical world we exist in.

Psychic surgery is the method we use to detach and remove these attached attachments.


Invoking Spiritual Powers  
causing misfortune to another person

A curse, Witchcraft and Voodoo is an attempt by a person to cause harm or misfortune to another person via supernatural means. Cursing someone would be the opposite of blessing them. It could take the form of an imprecatory prayer if one is asking God to bring about the harm.
Psychic Surgery can help people suffering from Spiritual and supernatural problems .

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Psychic Protection

The first thing we need to fully understand is that just as our clothing offers us protection from the elements like the rain and the wind our aura performs the same function but on a spiritual basis.
Psychic Surgeons invoke Spiritual Protection in this form many times a day when engaging with Spiritual Entities and Dark Magic.

The human aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds our physical body and comprises of a vibration of different energies. To protect ourselves from unseen energies that exist within our dimension the human aura is our shield and first line of defense.

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Spiritual Health Check

Many of my clients are very surprised that the problems they have endured over the years of their life have a spiritual source.

Our spiritual health is as important if not more important than our physical health and very difficult to review unless we have psychic abilities or access to a “spiritual medium” that can see our etheric field.

Psychic Surgery can help to clear your Auric Field and detach and Negative energies, helping you to feel Calm, and Happy. Emotions such as Anxiety and Depression can be helped when the Auric Field is cleared.

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Spiritual Protection Courses

Everyone working in the Spiritual Arena must ensure they can protect themselves from a spiritual perspective.
We provide a number of spiritual meditation and protection courses that focus on Spiritual Protection.

This is fundamental to your success if you work as a therapist or if you are new to meditation and spirituality.
The techniques taught are invaluable for all that walk the spiritual path.


Clarification – Psychic Surgery

Fradulent Mediums Act 1951

To comply with the fraudulent mediums act 1951, we remind our clients the work we perform is “solely for the purpose of entertainment”.

To further understand why we have this statement on our website please read the act below:-

Dont Stop Using Your GP / Doctor / Medical Professional or Surgeon

We urge all clients to work with your GP / Doctor / Surgeon  regarding any medication you may be taking.

We are NOT medically trained and as such will NOT offer any advice regarding your medication or your diagnosed condition.

The way we work is our spirit helpers will work with you and your own guides to help heal your health issues but this will NOT involve discussing your GP or any medication you are currently taking.